
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Prayer :: "a Morning Prayer" :: 40days: Day Thirteen "We don't know what we doing


"Last Generation Forums" :: Prayer :: "a Morning Prayer" :: 40days: Day Thirteen "We don't know what we doing"
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 AuthorTopic: 40days: Day Thirteen "We don't know what we doing" (Read 1 time)
Michael James Stone
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 40days: Day Thirteen "We don't know what we doing"
« Thread Started Today at 5:32am »
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We Need You

The day is not a Day
Except you light it with the Sunlight

The Night is not a Night
Except you dress it with the Stars


A Nation is not a nation
Except you set yourself in the Midst of that nation

Because without you we are only a people
gathered together in this land

But you Began America
Only You can end it.

America is Yours
We exist at your good pleasure

God we commit the Land back to you
Because O Lord as you well know

We don't know what we are doing

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